Our Mission

The Republic of Mozambique and the Russian Federation enjoy a time tested partnership that is founded in the deep historical bonds the roots of diplomatic relations of which hark back to the Day of Mozambique Independence, 25 of June, 1975, and are inextricably imbedded into the umbrela of the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement of the year 1977.

Our mission, guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique and by the Foreign Policy of Mozambique, aims at and seeks to promote a good image of the country, defend the Mozambique and mozambican national interests in the diáspora, make more friends and partners, respecting always the sovereignty and integrity of the states.

Hencefore, in the quest for the implementation of the abovementined mission, the Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Russian Federation, underscores and assumes the instrumental role of intermediating, mediating and executing the foreign policy of the country and all other instructions, guidelines and specific missions under a three-fold pilar strategy of concommitant activities, namely, (1) keep the existing excelent diplomatic relations between the Republic of Mozambique and the Russian Federation up; (2) Increase and diversify enconomic diplomacy focusing on economic, trade, business and sociocultural exchanges and (3) build and organize a proactive consular Department apt to the challenges of managing of the mozambican community affairs in the diáspora, students affairs and document processing of the different kinds and nature, in time and on time.

Two critical factors for a smooth and adequate dexterity in relating to the public that seek the services of the embassy lie on the manner in which the celerity and efficacy at which communication flows, on one side, and the manner in which the services are delivered by the staff, on the other. These two factors turn those services relevant and useful to the public that come and seek for them.

The creation of the website of the embassy is, therefore, I believe, a one-step-forward to the right direction of both supplanting this ongoing fragility in the area of communication and of positioning ourselves on the platform of the digital era of communication. On this platform one hopes that our mission and actions will be materialised on-time and, (oftentimes), on-lie, reducing therefore, time, saving ink, paper and space.

To the public in general and to the Mozambique community in the disapora in the Russian Federation, in particular, the embassy of Mozambique has the honour to provide this additional platform of communication between and amogst us. Let us make it a proper channel of interaction and social enrichment for the construction of a better and wellness shared society.

Prof. Dr. José Mateus Muária Katupha

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador

(+7) (495) 786-30-05 - CONSULAR SECTOR
(+7) (495) 786-30-06 - AMBASSADOR'S SECRETARY
Mitnaya 3, 1st entrance, 10th floor, flat 13
Moscow 119049
Monday - Friday, 09:30 - 16:30 - DIPLOMATIC SERVICES
Monday - Friday, 11:00 - 14:00 - CONSULAR SERVICES
January 1st - New Year's Day
February 3rd - Mozambican Heroes Day
April 7th - Mozambican Women's Day
May 1st - International Workers' Day
June 25th - National Independence Day
September 7th - Victory Day
September 25th - Armed Forces Day
October 4th - Day of Peace and Reconciliation
December 25th - Family Day / Christmas